Using Cashmallow
to let your trip even more convenient!
Over 500,000+ users trust Cashmallow. We are dedicated to serving you with the best care.
Withdrawal Instantly
Withdraw currency anytime, anywhere.
Zero Fee
Withdraw currency in overseas ATM with zero fee.
Cardless Withdrawal
Entering the OTP/ scan the QR code, you can complete the withdrawal.
Easy Exchange Way
Real-time exchange via phone without going out
Exchange Rate Calculator
Available 24/7, anytime, anywhere.
- South Korea
- Hong Kong
- Japan
- Singapore
- Malaysia
- Indonesia
- United Kingdom
- Germany
- France
- Italy
- Switzerland
- Czech Republic
- Netherlands
- Australia
- New Zealand
Middle East
- Arabian
What students say about us
Jessica Andra
“Help me and improve my productive activities”
One of the advantages of online learning at home is that the learning process can be accessed easily just by using a smartphone, computer or laptop that is connected to the internet network.
Amily Moalin
WP Developer