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  1. Confirm the ATM system in the upper left corner of the main screen
  2. Select "포인트‧캐시 PAYCO‧L.POINT"
Lotte Atm Control Law
3. Select "COATM"
Lotte Atm Control Law
4. Select "스마트 출금"
Lotte Atm Control Law
5. Enter your birthday (YYYYMMDD) then select "확인"
Lotte Atm Control Law
6. Enter one-time password then select "확인"
Lotte Atm Control Law
7. Select "확인" to confirm the withdrawal
Lotte Atm Control Law
8. Select whether to print the receipt
Lotte Atm Control Law
9. Collect the receipt
Lotte Atm Control Law
10. Collect the cash
Lotte Atm Control Law
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